Looking Forward to the Future
Philip White shares thoughts on the evolution of the members' newsletters found in the archive.
Welcome to the exclusive Members' Newsletter, Spring/Summer 2023.
From Monday 3rd February, the Stables Restaurant and Gift Shop will be open only on Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday. The Gardens and House will remain open daily as usual.
Philip White shares thoughts on the evolution of the members' newsletters found in the archive.
A selection of newsletters from 1998 until present.
Creative Director, Tim Martin, updates on what has been happening at Hestercombe Gallery.
Our Head Gardener, Claire Greenslade, discusses the jobs you can start to do in your garden this summer.
To coincide with Somerset Day (11th May), our Archives Team delve into the history of cider making in Somerset, particularly at Hestercombe.
Below are a selection of exciting events that are coming up...