Every week we set a plant ident for our two lovely students so that they can learn the Latin names of the plants as they go through the season. It is also helpful as we focus on plants looking good at the time which will normally be the ones the visitors will ask them about. The test is quite random and could be anywhere between 5-12 plants per week to learn. The girls get shown around the garden so that they can see the plants habit and form and are told any extra information about them by Rosie
Several people have asked me about the plant ID so I thought as often as humanly possible (in between weeding and mowing) I will post the ID on this blog for any one interested.
So here is this weeks:
From left to right-
Magnolia stellata- fabulous shrub on show in the Victorian shrubbery
Smilascena racemosa- false soloman's seal- also in the shrubbery, will have a 'fluff' of white scented flowers. great for semi shady areas and doesn't get attacked by saw fly like soloman seal
Polygonatum x hybridum- soloman's seal- in the shrubbery and also the plat and the west rill. lovely plant but tends to get lacerated by the saw fly very quickly!
Eccremocarpus scaber- Chilean glory flower. climbs up the wall of the Victorian terrace
Magnolia x soulangeana- this is the Magnoila on the steps between the orangery and the Dutch garden
Hosta sieboldiana var. elegans- beautiful leaves- watch out for slugs- seen in the Dutch garden