I am probably speaking far to soon and I'm sure that the snowy cold weather will soon find its way over to us but in the garden there are already signs of new growth and spring.
Look at this fabulous witch hazel flowering away in the shrubbery.
The Hellebores are just starting to show their pretty faces and the first of the snowdrops are poking their heads up too.
Below is winter aconite whose flowers wait for a bit of sunshine to open up.
And then thee are the tough old shrubs that also put on a good show through the winter months- this is Viburnum tinus and the winter jasmine
Elsewhere the rotunda is full of the sweet scent of winter sweet- you really have to experience that.
Because of all the heavy rain, the cascade looks really impressive- there is just so much water.
Whenever there is a break in the rain it is well worth a visit. I always find the first signs of growth exciting and inspiring- it gets you all fired up for another gardening year.